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11 march 2006
"Promotiontour KUS"
Today we made a report from KUS which visit several different towns. Their visit is part of a few they make along some musicstores in Holland to promote their new single and new DVD.

07 march 2006
"back tooth"
Finally after one year of wrestling with it tonight Rai's back tooth (molar) went out! Today she couldn't even speak because the thing was loose in her mouth. 

06 march 2006
Everybody knows the medium "Char"; she is very famous in the USA and since a couple of years in Europe too. She is a very good medium and she knows everything about intuition, which is very important in everybodies lifes. Two weeks ago we went to one of her workshops/readings. We got free tickets because Rai had to interview her for But unfortunately she had been ill for the past weeks so she only did the most important interviews/meet and greets and cancelled all the rest. Though she did her workshop wile she was still tired and a bit ill. Coming summer Rai got a new opportunity to do the interview so we wait untill then. 


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