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28 march 2005
second easterday
Amber came by today and Rajacenna and she played games all afternoon. 

27 march 2005

Today it was first easterday and we made ourselves a very nice easterbreakfast and watched the little birds in our garden, making a birdnest in the birdhouse. Also the hour has changed forward.

26 march 2005
visit to Conny and Bas

Once a year we visit my friend Conny who lives an hour and a half from here. 12 years ago we met in Salou, Spain on a vacation when I was pregnant. She was the first one (besides my parents) who came to know that I was pregnant because I was so sick al the time she guessed I must be pregnant. Since then we catch up with eachother every year. 
It's always a party for Rajacenna and Danielle also when they see eachother again! It was, like usual, a very nice day; we brought some lasagne and other delicious food we got for free from my italian webdesignclient.

25 march 2005
Rai and Jordan

Eugenie sent me the pictures which she took last saturday on my birthday from Rai with Jordan.

24 march 2005
easter breakfast
Today should have been my grandmother's 89 birthday, but unfortunately she passed away too early fourteen years ago. 
Rajacenna had easter breakfast at school this morning and this afternoon they had bingo.

22 march 2005
the teachter's birtday
Saturday 19 march when I celebrated my 39th birthday, it was also the birthday of Rajacenna's teacher. So the class celebrated his birthday today. They all played games, eat candy and popcorn and watched a movie.

21 march 2005
not sick
It wasn't exactly my day today. I didn't feel very well; had a little bit of a headache, sore throat and felt sick. That is one of the bad things about having your own business that you can't stay home from work: you have to work anyway! Well seeing the easterbunny again in the parc cleared the day a bit. 




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