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09 april 2005last snow
March has been a strange month because the first week of march there was snow and the temperature was -20C. The two weeks after that it was 20 degrees above zero with lots of sun! And today this morning early it snowed again. It was a big short snow and hailstorm and everything became white again! 

06 april 2005
Finally we official received the acceptance of Rai's new Highschool. We are all happy about it. 

05 april 2005
really sick
Today I am really sick. I didn't slept too much last night because of a very very sore throat. And during the day I felt really sick, but we keep on working! Finally we official received the acceptance of Rai's new Highschool. 

04 april 2005
easy to be a great man
I am gonna be sick! When you put CNN on all you get is what a great man the pope was! Yeah, easy to be great when you don't have to struggle every day with your finances. Also you don't have to fight for a good place in society! I can be great too that way! I can't believe that there are so many people living with a bible in their hand; can't they live without??? I can't understand that: just be nice to everybody you meet in your life!! That is something all people who are occupied with a religion have forgotten about, they are far to much in to all the rules of all bibles!!




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