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25 september 2005"Glennis Grace"

Well today we had got more luck with taking a good picture than yesterday. It was nice to see that Glennis came to our town. As you could read in my previous journal  (here) Glennis did represent the Netherlands at the Eurovision Songcontest last may. She didn't got through the forrounds of the contest!!!??? God knows why because she was one of the fewones who could actually sing!! But as we know now the contest doesn't treat about singing anymore. Well fortunately we could see and hear her here at the celebration of our mall.
She came in a big Hummer and she was taller than we thought she should be. At the picture you can't see it very well, but she has great hear!!


24 september 2005"Gerard Joling"
We have a ten year celebration for the "new" mall in our city this weekend. That means that there  was a mini-concert of a famous Dutch singer Gerard Joling. I am not really a Joling-fan but it is always fun to take some pictures of the famous ones! I included some pics but unfortunately Gerards head was cut off the photo with Rai. We hope tomorrow I hope we have some more luck when Glennis Grace comes to sing. 

21 september 2005
"one more week off"
Today my father should have had his third chemo, but his immunesystem wasn't that good. So they gave him one more week to built some strength. The specialist said that the chemo went to fast, so so to say it went too good. Further everything went well, most important things were that he could eat almost like normal again and that he wasn't too tired. So all was very positive. Only that he had lost some hair during the last weeks, but that can never be a problem when you have cancer.

20 september 2005
"very stupid"
This week started with a very  soar throat, both for me as for Rai. We both were still feeling very weak from the aftersummerflue. But diffrent as from other people I have to work. No work is no money! If you have a job and a boss above you (like most people in this world) you can stay home whenever you feel sick and according to me too much people feel far too much very sick and stay home for nothing. You have to knock me down first to stop working.
Wednesday at noon we heard a trauma-helicopter circling above our parc (behind our garden) he wanted to land just in our parc. He circled about 5 times before he flew away because he didn't feel like landing because it was to dangerous. About ten minutes later we heard the ambulance and a lot of noice from people. I went to see what was going on and from across a street I was able to look right in the window where medicalpeople were reanimating somebody. It wasn't nice to see they tried for about 15 á 20 minutes to reanimate but it didn't work. Then I saw someone shaking his head and after that a young girl from about 25 years old ren outside. She was crying and it was obvious that somebody had died. After that I went home again; tomorrow I will hear from my housekeeper what had happened because she lives there in the next street. When I came home I smelt a smokeysmell! I had forgotten to turn off my vegetables so the whole kitchen was smoking. Very stupid!!




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