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03 december 2005"Ice skating"
Because it hardly never gives frost anymore in Holland, we went indoor iceskating today in Rotterdam. Here is a little impression of that:


01 december 2005
"Jordan's birthday"
One year old has Jordan become today! Happy birthday to you! Both my mother and father went to visit them today, sunday at the actual "party" they couldn't go. My father even ate a little piece of birthdaycake! And again today Jordan ate some new birthdaycake. After that they went to Rotterdam for another radiation. And it seems that my father is doing all the driving to the hospital himself every day.  

29 november 2005
"first radiation"
At five today my father got his first radation in the hospital.  He said he was about 10 minutes inside the treatingroom. It's about taking your clothes off, 1 minute radiation, taking your clothes off and go home again. After this he will be getting 9 more radiations every day ones. 




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