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20 february 2005
Last sunday we went to the birthday of Jaco's father. We gave Jaco's mother her birthday present aswell. The second of march she turnes 75 and we decided with the whole family (brothers and sister of Jaco) to let them go to the theater. So today they go to a musical "De Jantjes" and we hope they like it a lot.

19 february 2005
This morning at 10:15 internet did not work anymore for all the people who have ADSL in Holland. That also meant that the whole day no webcams were available! The problem lasted untill 16:45 this afternoon. Well you didn't miss anything anyway because we went on clothshopping in another city. On the way we got to do with a lot of hail. And I bought a jeans which  didn't fit me; I was to lazy to try it actually at the clothstore. So this week I have to change it.

18 february 2005
At lunch Rajacenna brought Rebecca with her today; the girl who lost her mother a couple of weeks ago. On the way over to get her from school I kept on thinking if I should condole her. You know how girls are of that age and I wondered if it should made Rajacenna angry. When we parked the car in our garage I decided to make a quick condolence and that went alright. She does not act depressed and she seems very glad, but of course she isn't. At lunch we didn't talk much about her mother; she had had some jewelry from her and they were now cleaning up her mother's house. Now she was going to live at her father's house again. This afternoon the spring holidays begin for the schools in our region. Rai said that everybody wanted this vacation because they have had to learn a lot because of the Cito's of course. This month had been the most important month in all eight years of primary school.

17 february 2005
Last week the Carneval in Holland finished. (For those who do Carneval) One lady living in our town had seen the most strange Carneval Suit ever! At night she looked out of the window and saw a man with this odd suit standing outside in front of her house. He was walking there up and down the street. Later on that evening the man in question was controlling the traffic right on a crossingway. At that moment they got the man arrested and what appeared after this all????.................... That very evening he (a person from Bosnie) had murdered his mother and then he took all of her skin of the body. So he skinned this woman totally and put her on his back like a coat!! Have you ever heard a bizar story like that? 

16 february 2005

Did you ever gave your cat soyamilk? Well we'd tried it but it wasn't a succes! I think it didn't taste as good as milk.
 In stead of drinking it he went on sitting luxurous on the heater.



15 february 2005
I put an advertisement for the aircleaner this morning on the internet. Guess what! After half an hour I received the first email! From Mose! According to my feeling Mose came from the US. What was a man from another country doing at the ads in Holland? Well that was the remark of Jaco because I was glad I sold the aircleaner. Mose wanted the aircleaner to pick it up by a associate of his. He wanted to give me a check for double the price so we could pay the other half to the man he was getting money of. Are you getting it?? Well fortunately Jaco had a bright moment and we didn't give him our contactinformation right away, but mailed him with the answer that we wanted the money cash. Ok. Never heard from him before and that while he asked us to respond as very soon as possible!!! So be aware of this kind of cheating on the internet!!

14 february 2005
It should be Valentinesday today, but in Holland it is not such a hype. So we do nothing about it. Although Rajacenna made her room totally red with harts. Good for the tradesman and shops who invented the whole thing but like so many other things in this world it is just another way of environment clogging! 

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