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28 february 2005
Springholidays are over so Rajacenna's is back to school again. We expected to know the results of the Cito today, but the school didn't know when they will have them. Though it shall be this week. The wetherforcast say there will be more snow tomorrow so we'll hope they got it right. It was a busy day today because I had to catch up with some work. 

27 february 2005
Finally today it really started to snow!! Finally!! The whole winter we watched how it was snowing in Europe in places it should not snow at all!!! It should have been snowing in Holland because that is normal for our country. But the last ten years it doesn't snow as much anymore. It didn't snow exactly 50 centimeters but it was enough to have some fun with it! 
This afternoon we went to visit our neighbours who are living next to us because last thursday it was their daughter Jikke's birthday. 



26 february 2005
In Germany they are going to start a "Big Brother for Life". In stead of being in the Big Brother house for 3 months you have to spend your whole life in the house with camera's. And like always that will be broadcasted on tv. Children are not allowed because of the Childinspectionrules, so if you get pregnant you have to leave the house immediately. Well I wonder which people will join this kind of adventure? I'd rather have 10 webcams in my own house for life!

25 february 2005
I loaded the new camviewpages up and now everybody can follow exactly on which cam we're on.
This afternoon we went shopping and at the store we met the halfbrother of my mother. I had only see him a few times though he is living in the same city I am living in. He and my mother didn't grew up together. And what is more important I didn't grew up with my granddad. Important to me because in my youth I was a very good (left feeted) soccorplayer and my grandfather or rather the father of my mother had played in his early days for the Dutch National Team. Now I know why I was such a good player too and like my granddad leftfeeted, even Rajacenna had inherited this soccortalent. When I was about 19/20 I visited my grandfather together with my mother. That was the only time (one morning) I could speak to him though I met him sometimes when I was with my grandma when I was little. It was a nice visit and it looks like he was proud of us. After that we didn't met again and a few years later he died. So today we spoke with his son about where all the footballpictures from the earlydays could be, because he and his father didn't collect them. So now we are trying to find out what happened with all of it.

24 february 2005
I have been really busy with little improvements according to the camviewing on this site. Maybe I will load the new pages up tomorrow; I still have to check some things. 

23 february 2005
I am a very fan of Lucille Ball and nearly 23 years ago I taped almost everything from the I love Lucy episodes. It was always a wish to get all of the series she'd ever made. But in Holland that isn't easy to search for; in fact you can't buy anything here from Lucy Ball. Through the internet I found a lot of tapes and DVD's but that type of tapes don't fit in the european video- and dvdviewers. So finally in january after all that years I was able to buy 3 DVD's with a total of 4,5 hours of The Lucy Show serie, the ones with Mr. Mooney. Which I hadn't yet taped. Since we haven't got a dvdviewer yet (and neither one in the computer)  yesterday we watched the shows at my mothers. It was a lot of fun. I hope that in the near future they will sell the rest of the series too in Holland. I really like to have all of it!

22 february 2005
Sometimes when I have to do an update for a clients website, instead of getting paid, we make a deal for free dinner. This client let us take a buffet at her restaurant everytime I do an update. So yesterday evening we went to eat there and this time I took my parents with us. As usual it was a very good diner and because it's our weddingday 1st of March (next week) the owner of the restaurant gave us a little present. A lucky birdcage with two nightingales in it.


21 february 2005
It had snowed this morning, but it wasn't enough to throw snowballs at eachother. But it was nice too to look at the snowing. 
This morning we had to make us updatepictures at one of the castingagency's. Especially for Rajacenna but we had to take a shoot as a family too. For this agency we have been working for a while. We actually (6 years ago)  had to figure in a movie from Theo van Gogh, the Dutch filmproducer who has been killed by a moslimextremist in november last year. Theo van Gogh wasn't as provocative as you would think. We always get to eat with a filmcrew and also that day and he was a quiet person and did his job very concentrated. There was much discipline on the set. Some people in this world don't like it when other people say to much or say things you rather do not hear. Well I don't like people who don't have discipline in there live's. So everybody doesn't like something.
We also got the jeans I bought saterday back  to change it. 

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