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6 march 2005 "thaw is coming"
Nothing much to say today. I was sleepy and tired and had to work a bit. Jaco still has to finish his accountantthings, it has to be done by the first of april.
In the midday we went to sea where Jaco's parents live because Jaco's mother turned 75 last wednesday. On the way the world was still white but it was melting away a bit.

5 march 2005
"open day"
This morning it was open day at the new Highschool Rajacenna is going to. It is the best school in our town and when people are going to register their child, it can be very crowdy. Registeringday is not untill 15 March then I am going patrol there to be one of the first. Because this is definitely the school she is going to. The "climate" in Holland is changing and when you want your child to give them some Dutch influences, for sure this is the right school for it.

4 march 2005
snowman terrorists
Tonight was the coldest night in march since 1845; it was -21°Celcius. In our part though wasn't it that cold, but still we let the heater lightly on. When we came down this morning the snowman had fallen down. But we knew he didn't felt by hisself because there wasn't any reason for. The broom was missing too and we figgered that someone had climbed on our fence and came in our garden to throw the snowman on the floor. Earlier that day there were some guys that wanted to enter the garden too, but I was just in time to tell them to don't dare that! I guess they came back at night. At three it started to snow again and from the remainders of the snowman Rajacenna and Jaco made our rabbit Stampertje who died last June.

3 march 2005
decorated with snow
The Netherlands is still decorated with snow today. I watched as much as i could out of my window to print it in my mind because you never know when it is going to snow again. Normally every winter we went on skivacation in Austria but the last six years we haven't got enough money for that. But i am anxious to go again one time!

2 march 2005
snow, snow, snow
Today Holland woke with lots of snow! In some parts of the Netherlands there had been fallen 50 cm of snow and nearly the whole Nettherlands was covered with snow. Wethermen say that this only happens once in the fifty years. In our town there was about ten centimeters that is the usual amount of snow that falls at our part of Holland. Allday it was snowing and in the North of Holland all the schools and businesses were closed. It was wednesday so Rajacenna was home from school the whole midday like every wednesday. Her girlfriend Amber came over to join her in the snow and we build a huge snowman. At night we had a lot of fun with all our neighbours throwing snowballs at eachother in the parc behind our gardens.
Today it was Jaco's mother's birthday too, she became 75 years old.

1 march 2005 12 years of marriage

Today it is exactly 16 years ago (1989) that Jaco and I met again.  We knew eachother from school, we did met eachother occassionally in the years between. So that means that today we know eachother 22 years. And because we met the first of march we got married 12 years ago on the same date, Rajacenna was 5 weeks old at that time. Our little present for today was the snow that was falling; at three o clock tonight I stood behind the window watching if there was falling any yet. It made me depressed because there wasn't falling any snow. Untill this morning when we woke up!!  We celebrate the day with some pastry and pizza.
Rajacenna had made us an sms to tell us the citoresults. She had 3 points lower then last year, but still enough for the school she wants to go at and she could even go take a higher school then that. She was very dissappointed about the results because last year she hadn't got the time to finish each cito so that means she didn't had all the questions then. And the fact that last year she found the test much more difficult then this year. So howcome she had 3 points lower? She said this year it was much easier and she had all the questions. There were more kids that found the same and it seems to me that the computer, when "seeing" the results, didn't recognize the thickness of the pencil very good. It stays a "simple" computer that can make errors and we had heard that that is sometimes the case. Strange we didn't get back the whole test of our child so we could see the results for ourselves.
Well Rajacenna's has nothing to complain because her results where very good.
Tomorrow they expect more snow???!!

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